?How can songs help you teach English
:Songs help you as a teacher and here's how
Songs help students learn vocabulary, grammar and syntax
Learning with songs
works because children hear whole sentences and absorb grammar and syntax subconsciously.
It's an easy way for them to learn and remember words and phrases.
2. Songs use meaningful language in context
Children hear
vocabulary and phrases in a natural and meaningful context and no longer as
isolated words or sentences.
3. Songs are catchy and re-usable
Unlike a listening
comprehension a song is catchy and fun and students will be happy hearing it
many times over several months, as long as you don't play it to death in a
single lesson.
Songs enhance listening skills
Naturally any
English song helps listening skills as long as the language is within the
grasp of the learner.
5. Songs improve speaking fluency with the natural rhythms
of language
ESL songs that are performed by native
speakers allow children to hear the natural rhythms and stresses of English
and this helps their pronunciation and speaking fluency.
More ways songs help teachers:
Integrating music and actions makes your lesson appeal to wider learning
Along with the music, melody and rhythm,
actions can be found to go with the song. Actions may be used with any song
and not just with obvious 'action songs' like Head Shoulders Knees and
Toes. Using music and actions immediately pushes the boat out to reach more
pupils by encompassing a variety of learning styles in class.
Kinesthetic and tactile learners will latch on to using their bodies to
music while auditory learners are in their element listening. http://www.teachingenglishgames.com/eslsongs.htmVisual learners see others making the
actions and can look at story pictures or vocabulary flashcards relating to
the song. Everybody is happy, except for the tiny minority of people who do
not like music!
7. Songs are fun and motivate pupils
Only at number seven on this list but yet
a gigantic benefit is the fact that using music can lift the atmosphere in
class, bring in a boost of energy and zest for life that captures the
children's attention and motivates them in their quest to learn English.
8. Songs can be confidence building
Using songs for
ESL is a way for children to listen and practice English in a group,
joining in when they can without being singled out, and gradually achieving
more with each listening. A huge boost in confidence can be gained from
this, which percolates through to all learning.
9. Songs are memory aids
We all know how
songs can stick in our heads and this is exactly what we want for our
English language learners.
10. Songs help with classroom management
More mundane but
absolutely crucial to a teacher is that putting on a song immediately
attracts the attention of the class. All pupils join in with the actions
and/or start to sing along. The teacher now has their attention if he/she
did not before!
In summary songs allow pupils to hear English in context, naturally, to
listen repeatedly, to enjoy learning, to be more involved with TPR (total
physical response), to be focused and motivated and remember language more
easily and for longer. Songs also help with classroom management.
Ann Vernon
English Games
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